Closing of the Bones Ceremony.La Cerrada

Most traditional indigenous cultures knew the importance of taking care of the mother's health during the postpartum period, as they knew that the formation of future generations depended on her, therefore it was essential to nourish the newborn mother during the first 40/42 days after giving birth. In different cultures this process culminated with a ritual, the closing of bones. It honors the immense transformation that the mother undergoes with the purpose of closing cycles, energetic fields and returning heat back to the body.

In the Mayan culture it is said that during childbirth, the spirit of the mother travels in the universe to find the soul of her baby and bring it to earth. During the ritual of La Cerrada or closing of the bones, the mother's spirit is called back to her body. A shawl or rebozo is used for this purpose. The closing ceremony helps the mother to return to her center and become grounded. The ritual helps realign the bones and muscles, helps the pelvic organs shift and the uterus to shrink back down and stimulates blood flows. The adjustment of the pelvis aids in milk production and the body relaxes and releases tension from the muscles. The gentle rocking movement has a soothing effect.

During pregnancy the pelvis opens, widens to accommodate the growing baby and to prepare the body for delivery. From an energetic point of view the pelvis is connected to the second chakra Svadhisthana which is associated with the emotions and the unconscious, often the hips carry traumatic experiences. The hip muscle are programmed to easily activated for fight, flight or freeze response. Not closing the hips after the Cuarentena can result in pain in the pelvis, lower back or pelvic instability as well as leak of energy.

I was taught by my teachers according to the Mexican tradition, which considers the 40 days after giving birth to be sacred. La Cuarentena is a special time for the mother to heal and must be cared for with a nutritious diet, a period of confinement, bodywork, massages and herbal baths which culminates with the celebration of the ceremony of the closing of the bones.

However this ritual is open to all mothers at any time who wants to find some closure for themselves no matter how old is their child.

This ceremony is deeply healing after the loss of a baby, hysterectomy, or fertility problems. It is not exclusive to mothers, fathers or women, it can be done for anyone who has lived through a traumatic experience and needs closure.

For more information about the Closing of the Bones i recommend to read this beautiful text of my teacher Rachelle Garcia Seliga

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